Certified Professional Recovery Coach Program
Training and Certification Programs Created for Counselors, Therapists, Professional Coaches and all Others seeking a Specialty in Addiction Recovery Life Coaching

CPRC Dual Program
Earn 2 Credentials
Life Coaching is about freedom, the future and a fresh perspective. Recovery is often about past struggles and old stories. When you combine Life Coaching with Recovery you’re having a Possibilities Conversation.
Includes TWO credentials: Professional Recovery Coaching and Professional Coaching.

CPRC Program
Earn 1 Credential
Created for Professional Coaches and others with Coaching skills seeking a Specialty in Addiction Recovery, including Counselors, Therapists, and Managers who want to serve a growing client base. In-depth training on the Neuroscience behind Joyful Recovery, Professional Recovery Coach Competencies, and Family Issues in Recovery.

CPC Program
Earn 1 Credential
Our CPC Program is created for people who desire a credential in Life Coaching. Great for Counselors, Therapists, people in Recovery and their loved ones.
You will learn proven protocols presented in the context of professional competencies established by the International Coach Federation (ICF).
NBHWC Approved CPRC Program
40 CE credits
Open Enrollment, Start Anytime! UWSP is pleased to offer this online program in partnership with ICARE, the International Center for Addiction Recovery & Education, a global pioneer in addiction recovery training.
Are you ready to use your experience and skills to help people change their negative coping behaviors that can lead to addiction or to relapse?
The Professional Recovery Coach credential is for addiction-aware individuals who want to become Professional Recovery Coaches. Those who desire a specialty in Addiction Recovery will go through an in-depth training on the neuroscience behind joyful recovery, professional recovery coach competencies and family issues in recovery. READ MORE