Certified Professional Coach
Do you want to supplement your current income part time or transition your current skills into a new career?
Are you looking for more time freedom and the choice to work virtually from home?
Our CPC Program is created for people who desire a credential in Life Coaching. Great for Counselors, Therapists, people in Recovery and their loved ones, and all others in career transition who want to:
- Learn the Essentials of Coaching, along with practical help in launching your coaching business.
- Earn a Powerful Credential: Certified Professional Coach (CPC)
- Save Time and Energy gathering books/ resources needed to create effective integrated materials to support people ready to step outside of negative family of origin mindsets.
- Use a Proven Flexible System designed to help people experience and apply the most useful knowledge and skills in their next steps toward personal transformation.
Discover why ALL Coaching is LIFE COACHING! In our Life Coaching Essentials Program you will gain the skills and tools of a Professional Life Coach plus learn best practices for launching your own coaching business. You will learn proven protocols presented in the context of professional competencies established by the International Coach Federation (ICF). With your Professional Life Coaching Certification, you will be prepared to serve many types of clients besides those seeking Recovery Coaching.
Life Coaching Essentials Training Course
Coaches are NOT therapists or counselors who diagnose emotional problems. Coaching is based on the belief that people are creative, resourceful, resilient and able to make authentic choices about their lives. Coaches provide a trustworthy partnership; how do they do this….? They create a safe space, become genuinely curious, use powerful questions, listen deeply, reflect back what they hear.
Coaches expand awareness to help their clients explore choices and results based on new insight and perspectives. Coaches provide structure and accountability to help their clients clarify and build on their own internal motivations for positive life change, and celebrate successes!
Our Life Coaching Essentials Program is based in Positive Psychology with a focus on our strengths, on our future, on our possibilities, on meaning, and challenging false assumptions. Our training and certification will give you the know- how and the confidence you need to provide excellent Professional Coaching to your clients.
Life Coaching Essentials incorporates the Core Competencies of the International Coach Federations (ICF). You will learn to:
- Guide people through a Dynamic Coaching Process from start to finish.
- Set the Foundation for Coaching Relationships using a formal Coaching Agreement.
- Understand and Apply Ethical Practices and Standards.
- Co-create a Meaningful Coaching Relationship built on Trust and Respect.
- Develop your own Personal Coaching Presence and Style.
- Communicate effectively through Deep Listening and Powerful Questions.
- Create Awareness and Deepen Insight to help clients Clarify their Purpose.
- Facilitate Results by Assisting Clients to design goals, plans and actions.
- Provide Meaningful Accountability in the context of Celebrating Success.
- Launch Your Own Coaching Practice using Winning Strategies to Fit Your Style.
Earn A Valuable Credential
Open the Door to New Possibilities
- All Training Manuals as downloads.
- Coaching Tools and Self Discovery Worksheets
- Course Study Guides
- Introductory Membership in iCoachRecovery*
*Continued access to our member site, course content and other benefits requires ongoing Professional Membership. Professional Membership is also required for bi-annual credential renewal. This Membership will engage automatically after the Introductory Membership period for $16.95 per month.
Full Money Back Guarantee: 5 days from date of purchase. The Coaching Programs are nontransferable and non-cancellable after 5 days.