The IAPRC Team

NET Institute CEO

Dr. Jean LaCour is founder and CEO of NET Institute Center for Addiction and Recovery Education. She has traveled to twenty four nations over the past twenty years and trained thousands of people like you who share a passion for relieving the suffering caused by addiction.

Since 1996, NET Institute has trained thousands of students worldwide who desire to strengthen families and communities and serve the addicted, the marginalized and the poor. Dr. LaCour oversees curriculum development, faculty selection and insures the maintenance of professional standards. She interacts with professional Certification Boards and represents NET Institute nationally and globally.

In early 2014, Dr. LaCour launched her newest and most innovative endeavor- The CPRC Professional Recovery Coach Program. It is a new non-clinical approach that brings together the proven protocols of Professional Coaching and the best practices in Alcohol, Drug and Addiction Recovery. The goal of this program is to launch a new career opportunity for people in the helping professions and in recovery who want to empower people to start their sober life on a solid footing. Professional Recovery Coaching is about results and energizes people in long term recovery from addiction or codependency to discover new levels of satisfaction and purpose in life.

As a tireless advocate for people in recovery and for people who serve in the addiction field around the world, Dr. LaCour launched the Recovery Heroes Initiative to honor their efforts. Her popular podcast “Prevailing Wins in Recovery” was created at the request of the Women’s Information Network.

As an author, trainer, curriculum developer and international consultant, Dr. LaCour has extensive experience in establishing collaborative partnerships around the world. She has trained in twenty-four nations including Russia, India, Colombia, Egypt, Pakistan, Chile, Malaysia and Cambodia.
She was President of the International Substance Abuse and Addiction Coalition (ISAAC) based in the United Kingdom from 2010 to 2018. During her tenure this organization swelled to serving more than 1,000 programs with members in over 100 nations.

After ten years of training and partnering in Egypt, Dr. LaCour returned in 2009, as a UN consultant in support of Muslim and Christian HIV/AIDS outreach workers from the Middle East region. She administered the first professional addiction examination to over 100 students by partnering with the Florida

Certification Board and the World Federation of Therapeutic Communities who validated the credentialing process. In 2012, she was invited to the UN in New York as an NGO for the first General Assembly Debate on the Impact of Drugs and Crime on Developing Nations following her involvement in the United Nations’ Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) policy workgroup on Drugs and Crime in Vienna, Austria in 2008.

For two years she worked on the State of Florida’s “Access to Recovery” program which served over 12,000 clients through the U.S. federal initiative which created an efficient system of connecting clinical addiction treatment with a variety of non-clinical services now referred to as “Recovery Support Services”.

Beyond her professional accomplishments, “Dr. Jean” is best known for her enthusiasm and energy in communicating an uplifting message of hope in overcoming the challenges of life with grace and courage.

Executive Director
Ms. Brown-Merriwether has more than 20 years of experience as a professional in human resources, management, recovery support and adult education. She is currently serving as the Executive Director for the NET Training Institute – Center for Addiction and Recovery Education, a position which allows her to be involved in the development of new training courses and programs that

are designed meet the rapidly changing needs of professionals and others working to provide substance abuse and mental health services.

Cheryl earned a Master’s degree in Human Resources Development and Administration from Barry University, and a Bachelor’s degree in Professional Management from Nova Southeastern University. In addition to her degrees, she is a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR), a Certified Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS), a Certified Manager (CM), a Certified Professional Life Coach (CPC), and was the 2008-2009 Chairman of the Board of Regents for the Institute of Certified Professional Managers (ICPM).

Cheryl is a strong advocate for lifelong learning and recovery support services. As a faculty member at the University of Phoenix and Strayer University, she regularly shares her knowledge and passion relating to these issues with others.

SHELLY-ANNE MCKAY, Master Coach & Mentor

Director of Coaching Credentialing & Certification

With over 6000 hours of coaching experience, three decades in business consulting, communications, sales, marketing, media production and most importantly, real-life, in-the-trenches addiction recovery experience; Shelly-Anne is often referred to as the “Change Catalyst”.

She has a unique ability to bring out the best in our coaches and teach them the skills they need to confidently support recovery clients to use their strengths and honor their values as they create the lives they deserve.

Shelly-Anne has supported the growth of the coaching industry by working in collaboration with the most prestigious coach training organizations. This includes the National Board for Health and Wellness Coaches (NBHWC), Health Coach Alliance (HCA – Canada), International Coaching Federation (ICF), Kresser Institute’s ADAPT Health Coach Program, NET Institute’s International Association for Professional Recovery Coaches, and the International Center for Addiction and Recovery Education.

Shelly-Anne plays a pivotal role as a trusted advisor, supporter, and contributor to the IAPRC and ICARE programs. She diligently establishes and maintains the highest standards of quality in recovery coach education, facilitates workshops and educational sessions for coaches, and serves as a mentor to hundreds of international coaches annually.


Neuroscience of Joyful Recovery: The Power of a Joyful Connection

“Joy Starts Here” and co-creating research-based support group materials for the Connexus Program, including two acclaimed 12 week programs called “Restarting” and “Belonging”. Ed’s work provides the basis for the emphasis we place on relational Joy in the Rise approach to Professional Recovery Coaching.

Maritza is a Professional Recovery and Life Coach with an established private practice. She transitioned from providing trauma based care and clinical treatment as a Florida Certified Addiction Professional (CAP) with a Master’s Degree in Counseling. Ed and Maritza serve on the faculty of NET Institute. They are co-founders of Equipping Hearts, a non-profit organization serving the addicted community and counselors in the US and overseas. They have provided training for addiction workers from over 70 nations, and serve on the Secretariat of the International Substance Abuse and Addiction Coalition.